发布单位: 中美法学院   发布时间:2011-02-10   








2010-2011年春季学期,比较法学研究院中美法学研究所将开设两门新课程:曾常年在中国证监会从事研究工作的、比较法学研究院新任教授朱伟一先生用中、英文双语讲授的《证券法的理论和实践课程;美国纽约城市大学政治科学博士Guy Padula律师用英语讲授的《美国宪法》课程。该两门课程的简介如下:





American Constitutional Law

This class will provide an introduction to American constitutional law. It will explore various methodologies of constitutional interpretation and modes of constitutional analysis. Topics will include the powers of the national government; federalism; the separation of powers and relations among the three branches of the federal government; and the role of the judiciary in reviewing acts of the political branches of government. The course will also explore how and why so many constitutional disputes have involved the regulation of the national economy and interstate commerce. Although the class will mainly focus on United States Supreme Court decisions, it will also incorporate other historical sources such as the Federalist Papers and Presidential addresses.

